How do I appeal a denied application?
If your application is denied, you will receive an appeal packet with the denial. You must complete this appeal packet and return it to DCVC within 30 days of the date on the denial letter. If you do not return it within 30 days, your request for an appeal will not be considered, absent special circumstances.
The Appeal Process
- The crime victim must fill out the appeal application when they receive notice that their application for benefits has been denied;
- The crime victim must explain why they disagree with the decision and submit additional documentation they feel may assist in their appeal;
- The crime victim must return the appeal application to DCVC within 30 days of the date on the denial letter;
- The victim/claimant will be given the opportunity to appear before the DCVC Advisory Board to present an appeal. The DCVC Advisory Board meets twice each year;
- The victim/claimant may choose to be represented by an attorney during this process;
- Also, a victim/claimant may bring along a family member or victim advocate for support;
- Pursuant to S.C. law 16-3-1140, the Advisory Board Appeal Panel's decision is final.