
Inside the Office > Legal Services Division > Securities > Registration


Registration of Stockbrokers

Stock brokerage firms and their agents conducting business in South Carolina must register with the Securities Division.

Broker-Dealer Firms

Applications for registration as a broker-dealer shall be filed on Form BD with the Central Registration Depository (CRD), along with a fee of $310.  For initial registration, the broker-dealer must provide the firm’s most recent audited financial statements and FOCUS Report to the Securities Division at the address indicated below, or via email to [email protected].

A broker without a place of business in South Carolina and not more than three customers in the state during the previous twelve months is not required to register.

Audited financial statements are not required for renewals, unless requested by the Securities Division.

Firms that are not required to register with the SEC or FINRA must file directly with the Division.  Please contact the Division at (803) 734-9916 for further information.

Broker-Dealer Agents

Each applicant for registration as an agent in South Carolina shall complete the Form U-4 in accordance with the form instructions and file with the CRD.  The registration fee for an agent is $110.


Contact Us

Office of the °µÍø½ûÇø General
Securities Division
Rembert C. Dennis Office Building
1000 Assembly Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Statutory References for Registration:  S.C. Code Ann. § 35-1-401, 402, 406 and 702.